Be uplifted, stress-free and rejuvenated! Rediscover your own intrinsic joy.

Do you live an inspired, creative and fulfilled life?

How would you like to know that you are a truly unique?

Would you appreciate more positive interactions with people around you?

Would you like to be valued by others?

Have you learnt how to know what your true values are?

Attend this wonderful one day workshop and you will discover what an amazing human being you are.

To receive booking details, please email Yvette on the following email:




Attention Deficit Disorder is basically divided into two groups:  those who are hyperactive, and those who are hypoactive. As the name suggests, hyperactive children are considered to be overactive children.  Hypoactive children are considered to be underactive and take longer to get their work completed.

ADD/ADHD involves some dysfunction in attention and concentration. Attention is described as “an awareness of the environment and changes to the environment”. Concentration is described as “the ability to focus consistently upon one specific feature in the environment”. Attention spans are affected by restlessness and distractibility, and concentration problems can be affected by daydreaming.

In young preschool children parents/carers can look out for overactivity which affects family times, speech delays, clumsiness, sleep disorders and a delay in learning colours. Children may go for a pediatric examination, an educational evaluation, neuro-physiological tests or speech/OT therapeutic assessments.

Some of the main features of ADD are short attention span, increased activity level (restless/fidgety), impulsiveness (in areas of behaviour, academics, organisation), poor coordination (gross motor and /or fine motor, eye/foot, eye/hand, physical clumsiness), weak short-term memory (particularly auditory), inflexibility (dogmatic, black/white personality, low frustration threshold, temper tantrums followed by sulking), diminished self-esteem, peer relationship problems, periodic depression, immature behaviour,  sleep disturbances (early rising, difficulty going to sleep, walking/talking during sleep/night terrors), appetite changes (overeating, picky eating, distinct/peculiar taste preferences) and speech disorders ( the delayed onset of speech, articulation difficulties, sentence structure problems, difficulty in sequencing sounds). Children often have most of the symptoms and the symptoms may change at different stages of development.

The brain processes learning in the following hierarchy:

.  Conceptualization

. Long term memory developed over time

. Integration – how things are linked together in the brain

. Perception (register, categorize and compare new information with previously acquired information)

. Short-term memory (retaining information)

. Attention (focus attention upon certain stimuli sufficiently to acquire all the necessary information)

. Sense organs (eyes, ears, skin)

. Emotions have an effect on all the above during different stages of life

Any area will have an effect on other areas. Most children with ADD have dysfunction at the levels of attention, short-term memory and perception. Integrating knowledge is important for comprehension skills. Most ADD children can integrate and conceptualise once they have the knowledge.

ADD children function more effectively in graded, smaller classes with structured activities. They require an empathic, yet firm, teacher who is flexible. They cope better with remedial support. Should there be medical therapy involved, this should be consistently monitored, for example a growth spurt, to avoid a child missing out on important learning because the medicine no longer meets their specific needs.

Popular interventions are:

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (moving the child from negative to positive experiences with learning)

Remedial Teaching (using the child’s academic strengths while providing support for weaknesses)

Occupational Therapy (to improve gross motor, fine-motor and hand/eye coordination, left-right progression,  visual-spatial skills, correcting orientation on a page to facilitate writing)

Diet (to remove foods that interfere with successful neuro-transmission in the brain)

medication (to modify disordered communication in the brain).

Parents can make sure that their child has a sound routine for all daily activities. Information that needs to be learnt should be repeated frequently to help the child store it in memory. Routine, regularity and repetition – such as pasting sight words on post-it notes around the home or in a car – will assist in developing confidence. Keeping consistency in ground rules at home will create a more secure environment. Noise levels should be kept to a minimum and constant, appropriate reassurance will improve self esteem.

Should you like to have more information or book individual, tailored online sessions for your child, please email yvette@yveher.com with your request in the subject line and we will send you a booking form.


Helping children to learn.

When a child is finding school a challenge, there are many factors that could affect this. Before an individual program is designed for a child at Yveher, there is a process of listening which occurs. Listening to the child, the parent and the teacher will indicate some common ground. Any learning challenge is researched with certain criteria as guidelines.

Academic Assessments: There are tests available to discern a child’s reading age, mathematics ability and spelling age. These are formal assessments. These, with the child’s latest school report will provide valuable information as to where the child can be assisted.

Physical Assessments: These assessments are able to focus on different skills that can affect learning in many ways. There are gross motor skills which involve large muscle groups in the body. The areas addressed are those of muscle tone, postural control, bilateral integration, balance, ball skills and general skills such as hopping, skipping etc. Fine motor skills which are smaller muscles are areas such as finger strength, pencil grip and pencil control, in-hand manipulation skills, block building, threading, colouring and cutting skills, pre-writing skills, writing skills and of course, hand-eye coordination.

 Speech: Speech and language are assessed in areas such as speech articulation, phonological errors, and childhood apraxia of speech.

Oral apraxia indicates that the child has difficulty with volitional control of nonspeech movement. For instance, perhaps the child will have difficulty sticking out and wagging their tongue when requested to do so. Or the child may have difficulty sequencing movements for the commands, “Go to the top drawer in the kitchen, open it and take out a teaspoon”/”Pick up the ball, take it to the third step and roll it down.”

Verbal apraxia shows that the child has difficulty with voluntary, spontaneous movement for the production of speech. This can be at the level of sounds, syllables, words, or phrases (in connected speech). This motor struggle is most often observed with sounds sequencing. Often oral apraxia accompanies verbal apraxia, but it is important to note that this is not always the case. (The challenges with apraxia/dyspraxia of speech are that the child is experiencing the difficulty in nonspeech and speech movement when they are quite aware of trying to make relevant movements or they are attempting movements when requested by others. Those very movements and sounds may be heard while the child is busy playing or he/she and are able to make them when they do not realise anyone is watching them. For example, a child may be playing happily and parents may hear sounds being made – “ma, ma, ba, ba,da, da”. However, when parents ask the child to use the sounds, eg. “Mama!”, the child struggles to do so. This will show on the child’s face. They may touch with their lips or silently copy the movement with their lips as if searching for the right position. When the child is not thinking about it or trying to perform, it comes naturally but when they are conscious of the request and attempt to use their mouths to make certain movements, they struggle.)

There are many intervention exercises to remediate challenges such as stuttering and stammering. Using singing is a creative way of relaxing the child and helping them to be less aware of trying to pronounce sounds.

Language Impairment: This involves difficulties in understanding and expressing language. An area that would be researched is the grammar application in speech and written work, for example, word order, tenses, pronouns and prepositions usage. Another area is language content and meaning – vocabulary, understanding concepts such as opposites, associations and categorisations etc. The use of language, known as pragmatics, where the general rules of communication are applied, is included in eye contact, initiating conversation, assessing how much information to share, and allowing people to take turns in the conversation. Different tones in the conversation can show respect for others and assertiveness in certain situations. Young children use picture forms and drawing skills to communicate and it is important not to interfere with their drawing abilities as this is their only written form of communication. There are picture boards and games available which assist children who need more communication tools.

Auditory Processing Skills: These are listening skills where concentration and focusing is built up over time. One of these skills is called whole body listening. There are various interactive skills available such as a talking and listening chair, which guides the child to know when to talk and when to listen during conflicting opinions. Listening skills are not easily acquired and need to be gently taught over a period of time. Of course, keeping content interesting when a person desires to communicate anything is as much the responsibility of a speaker as a listener.

Tips for parents on listening skills: Parents set an example for children. Children copy everything they see. A wonderful way to teach children listening skills is to practise in front of them as well as with other children. Listening doesn’t always mean keeping completely silent while the other person speaks. “Active listening” is a great skill, and shows that you are involved in the conversation. Listening skills can be practised by asking follow-up questions, or asking for clarification on certain points. Simple, encouraging questions will allow the speaker to continue talking while you continue listening. Become a people watcher. Learn how other people listen, and take mental notes about the habits of people you think are good listeners as well as people you think are bad listeners. Make sure that there is no interruptions and maintain eye contact when you speak with your child. Find out what really gets your child talking passionately. Everyone has a favourite subject, or story they like to tell everyone they meet. Allow your child to tell their story and listen with empathy. Teaching a child this exercise in self control is a positive step on the way to teaching them about being a better listener. This also helps children to focus on listening more attentively in a classroom and it helps the child to stop allowing their brain to race ahead of the speaker. A child who sits and wonders about what they want to say after the speaker has finished, has allowed their brain to block out what the speaker is saying. They will not ask relevant questions. Things like television (even if it is muted) distracts from effective listening. A child raised with all these skills will naturally develop whole body listening skills (stand or sit still, have eye contact, keep hands still and relaxed, and lean towards the speaker, eager to hear what they have to say) and not be distracted. Seventy-Five percent of all communication is non-verbal. Children sense these clues as we speak, deciphering facial features, body language, and hand motions. As a parent/care giver, you may wish to pay attention to your own non-verbal motions while you speak and look for non-verbal clues from others while you listen.

Auditory memory is an area that checks rote recall (for example, counting skills), instruction recall and story recall (sequencing events in order).

Phonological awareness is developed through sound related activities such as nursery rhymes (a lovely way to teach language patterns), rhyming activities such as card games, songs and fun alliterations to mention a few. Spoonerisms are the interchange of the initial sound of two words, such as when one has a slip of the tongue, eg: “He’s a boiled sprat” instead of “He’s a spoilt brat”.

Auditory Perception skills are developed through Auditory Analysis, eg: mat = m + a + t , Auditory Synthesis, eg: m + a +t = mat(this can be assisted by singing the sounds into each other to develop the skill); Auditory Discrimination, eg: hat/mat (rhyming skills); and Auditory Closure, eg: ele_ant = elephant.

Perception Skills include activities to make sure that the following areas are developed: Body Awareness (body image, concept), Concepts (shapes, colours, numbers, size), Directionality (the concepts of left and right), Spatial Awareness (orientating the body in relation to objects/people eg: above, below, under, in front, behind, next to, inside, on top etc), Visual Figure Ground (the ability to focus visual attention on one object eg: the picture of puzzle/picture within other pictures, to increase word focus in reading), Visual Discrimination (the perception of similarities and differences between objects, shapes and symbols such as numbers/letters, words with similar letters like: hand/land), Position in Space (orientation of body and objects in space leads to differentiating between “b” and “d”), Visual Closure (the ability to complete a figure, word, sentence which is perceived to be incomplete, eg: when reading different fonts/handwriting), and Visual Motor Integration (integrating the functions of the visual system and motor skills to copy pictures or drawings; enabling pupil to copy from a blackboard).

Children with sensory integration dysfunction frequently experience problems with their sense of touch, smell, hearing, taste and/or sight. Some children also experience difficulties in movement, coordination and sensing where their body is in a given space. Individuals may be overly sensitive to certain textures, sounds, smells and tastes, while wearing certain fabrics, tasting certain foods, or normal everyday sounds may cause discomfort. The opposite is also possible – for example a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder may feel very little pain or actually enjoy sensations that neurotypical children would dislike: strong smells, intense cold or unpleasant tastes. When the brain struggles to balance the senses appropriately and/or filter out background stimuli to ascertain what is important, a child may have to deal with overwhelming amounts of sensory input during the day and night.

Sensory integration therapy with children involves occupational therapy with the child placed in a room specifically designed to stimulate and challenge all of the senses. During the session, the therapist works closely with the child to encourage movement within the room. Some schools have a specially designed room with soft lighting and a variety of sensory activities available for a child to choose the most soothing as well as explore new experiences such as moving air from a fan, touching a furry cushion or rolling in a soft tunnel.

The therapy is driven by four main principles: 1. Just Right Challenge (the child must be able to meet the challenges through playful activities) 2. Adaptive Response (the child adapts behaviour to meet the challenges presented)   3.Active Engagement (the child will want to participate because the activities are fun) 4.Child-directed (the child’s preferred activities are used in the session).

Sensory Integration therapy is careful to not provide children with more sensory stimulation than they can cope with. Children with lower sensitivity (hyposensitivity) may be exposed to strong sensations, while children with heightened sensitivity (hypersensitivity) may be exposed to quieter activities. Appropriate rewards may be used to encourage children to tolerate activities they would normally avoid.

Guidelines for children with heightened sensitivity

Parents can find it very distressing if their child rejects hugs, cuddles and other demonstrations of affection. This can be misinterpreted as a personal rejection when it is felt as a discomfort with unpleasant touch by the child.

These suggestions may assist in more appropriate touch with autistic children who have hypersensitivity: the child finds it easier to initiate hugging than receive it;  touch is more tolerable when the child anticipates it; a consistent, firm touch is better than a light or moving touch; light touch may be tolerable after a firm, constant touch;  initial stimulation may be unpleasant at first but tolerated later. It is important to approach each case as a unique set of parameters. As you will know, no two children present with the same sensory challenges.

The sense of touch varies widely between children experiencing sensory integration dysfunction. When children enjoy the feel of sticky textures, materials such as glue, play dough, stickers, rubber toys and sticky tape can be utilised. Other materials that can be useful for tactile sensation include water, rice, beans and sand. Many children on the autism spectrum enjoy a sense of firm overall pressure. This can be achieved by wrapping them up in blankets,  squashing them between pillows and firm hugs. These activities can form a basis for play, interaction and showing affection. Many experiences that may be claustrophobic for neurotypical children may be enjoyed, such as being squashed between mattresses, and making tunnels or tents from blankets over furniture. Parents may be aware of a child’s response to the smell of substances, and may experiment with putting different fragrances in play dough or rice. If a child actively likes strong odours, specific toys with this feature can be used positively in therapy. Sound can be focused on by experimenting with talking toys, games on computers, musical instruments, squeaky toys and all sorts of music, especially classical. Rhythmic sounds like clapping together, rhymes, repeating phrases and tongue twisters are good activities. If a child on the autism spectrum responds more to music than voices, a melodic or “sing-song” voice may be preferred. By trying different tones of voice and pitches, one can assess a child’s response.

  The Proprioceptive System helps children (and adults) to locate their bodies in space. Autistic children often have poor proprioceptive skills and need help developing their coordination. Playing with weights, bouncing on a trampoline or a large ball, skipping or pushing heavy objects can be used to improve this.

The Vestibular System is located in the inner ear and responds to movement and gravity.  It is involved with the sense of balance, coordination and eye movements. Hanging upside down, rocking on rocking chairs, swinging, spinning, rolling, somersaulting, dancing and doing cartwheels helps. Activities that involve the head moving in different ways stimulate the vestibular system. Watch the child carefully to make sure that the movement is not over stimulating. Back and forth movement is regarded as often less stimulating than side-to-side movement. Rotational or spinning movements are the most stimulating and should be used carefully. A rocking motion will usually calm a child while vigorous motions like spinning will stimulate them. Some popular activities include going on merry-go-rounds, being tossed on to cushions or jumping trampolines.

Learning new skills involving movement such as tying shoe laces or riding a bike can be difficult as they involve sequences of movements. To help in this area, parents may use swimming, mazes, obstacle courses, constructional toys and building blocks. Difficulty with using both sides of the body together can occur in some cases of sensory integration dysfunction. Children can be encouraged to play games with crawling, hopscotch, skipping, playing musical instruments, playing catch and bouncing balls with both hands to help with bilateral integration. Hand and eye coordination can be improved with activities such as hitting a ball with a bat, popping bubbles, and throwing and catching balls, beanbags and balloons.

Yveher has included many of these activities in specially tailored programs in The Brain Train which is enjoyed by all the children who participate. They leave each session with a sense of wellbeing and increased self esteem. To receive  advice or make a booking, please email yvette@yveher.com and we will send you a booking form.

The Brain Train

THE BRAIN TRAIN  has been developed by YVEHER from kinetic and neurobic movements as well as natural body coordination movements. It is presented in a colourful, exciting way. Children, teenagers and adults learn the movements with ease and can use them in any situation where they feel the need to be more focused, centred and calm. It helps release trauma and  direct motivation. It is an excellent preparation for starting school, relieving anxiety and giving children tools to become independent in the learning situation. Clients take ownership of their stressful situations and learn how to manage themselves.

This program is of great benefit for children with ADD/ADHD and slow development issues. ADD/ADHD pupils are shown special movements to calm down so that they can work productively.

THE BRAIN TRAIN is a completely NATURAL program and works at building  up a level after the set of movements are mastered. Clients receive cards to use as guidelines to do the movements at home. Parents and clients are welcome to discuss or email any queries and receive advice on learning challenges.

There are more tailored programs for children who need to increase reading and maths potential. Each child is assessed and a program is drawn up to develop their confidence in the area of concern.

THE BRAIN TRAIN is recommended for anyone who needs focus, reading skills, numeracy skills and study skills. After each session a client leaves with a sense of wellbeing and increased self-esteem.

Some schools have programs running and this enables more pupils to achieve their potential.

Should you be interested in making a booking, please email yvette@yveher.com with “The Brain Train” in the subject line. We look forward to helping you to help your child achieve their true potential.

What parents should expect in a school.

During the years that any child attends school, parents will encounter a few different forms of education.  Should both parents be required to work, a child may be attending a nursery from a young age. There are many options available and sometimes the choice, and cost, may become overwhelming. There are some points to consider when making the difficult choice of where to place a beloved child in the preschool years.

1.The  location of the school is important.  Being close to where you work or close to where you live are two factors that could influence a trip to and from school. Consider the quality of the time that would be spent with a child in the car. Attending a school close to home would make the trip in morning and evening traffic less stressful for both a parent and a child.  Socially, should the child have a play date, it would be easier to play with a friend somewhere closer to home. Knowing the local community would offer opportunities for further sharing between parents in areas such as local babysitters, interesting places to visit and where to find bargains. Sharing in a child’s progress with a nearby friend would reassure parents. Another advantage is that parents would be able to call upon someone that they know is reliable should they have an emergency.

2.  The type of school will need to be assessed with regard to the hours that the child can be looked after as well as the amount of stimulation that the child will receive. For example, a playgroup will allow the children to play and develop some social skills. A creche will look after tiny babies and potty train them at a later stage. A preschool will have an organised program which works according to the milestones that a child reaches at each stage of the early development years. There are other franchised schools where a child can attend from birth up to five years of age, and they follow a strict stimulation program where the child is worked with on an individual basis every day. Children respond well to this kind of environment as they feel a sense of wellbeing because they are developing and being offered new circumstances  to explore and challenges to meet.

3. The apparatus and space available in the school will have an effect on how a child feels at the end of a school day. Safety as well as the variety of climbing equipment are important aspects to consider. Sandpits that are clean with an assortment of modelling and pouring toys are necessary to encourage exploring senses and early mathematical concepts such as volume. In the outdoor areas there should be some areas of shade as well as grass so that a child can run and find shelter from the sun. a cycle track or area to ride scooters and small motorbikes is essential to developing large muscle groups. Indoor areas should be spotless and the toys, construction equipment and puzzles should be displayed so that they appeal to children. The space in the classroom should be enough to enable the child to move about without disturbing others busy with activities.

4. The bathrooms MUST be clean and there should be enough toilets so that at any time ay least six children can be using the toilets per class. The toilets should be small, age appropriate and the basins should be at a level that a child can reach to wash hands and to encourage independence in the use of the bathroom. Towels should be clean and washed and changed often. Preferably, dispensed towels should be available. Tissues and wet wipes are to be available in each class so that noses can be kept clean. The changing room for small babies should be spotless.There should be a nappy dispenser and trained staff to do this job with care and dignity.

5. A learning program should be clearly visible to all parents and each class should have a register of all the children and contact details for their parents. There should be emergency procedures visible and a first aid box for any cuts and scrapes. Some, if not all, of the staff should have had first aid training for emergencies.

6. Artwork that has been neatly displayed and clearly marked in infant print with the child’s name is a good indication of the standard of what the school can offer. The printing everywhere should be consistent as this facilitates early name and word recognition. Drawing tools should be varied each day and there should be different approaches to painting activities so that the child can experience a range of painting opportunities. The general appearance of the school should be neat, colourful and interesting so that it stimulates and inspires the children in it to create. Construction as well as fine motor activities are important aspects to guiding a child along the path of competent writing skills one day.

7. Staff at the school should be cheerful and kind, gently helping children to grow their social and academic skills. They should be neatly attired and clean. During the free play period, staff should be observing children and ensuring their safety as they explore apparatus.

8. Food that is provided such as porridge early, a snack such as a sandwich at about 10 0′ clock and there may even be a hot lunch served at 12 o’ clock, is important. Should the school offer all of this, it may make the morning trip a little easier. Check the menu and ascertain whether it appeals or not. Find out what is expected for birthdays and Bakerman days. Some schools prefer parents to send their child’s own lunch  to school and  they may specify what needs to be in the lunchbox.

9. Aftercare facilities at schools vary. Some schools have a full day program, while others offer an educational morning program followed by an aftercare facility. Sleeping options may be available for a midday sleep before the child is collected. Ask to see the areas for this and check to see that clean linen is used. Be sure to find out whether a further packed lunch will be required for the afternoon. Make sure that there is water available at all times during the aftercare period. Find out who the teacher is who will run this facility and make sure that there is an opportunity to meet with them before a final choice is made.

10. Costs are an important factor in everyone’s lives today. School fees should be upfront and any other costs should be clearly available for parents to see on the school website. Be aware of notice clauses and late payment fines but also be aware of early payment benefits.

A child should wear durable and comfortable clothing. It should not be difficult for a child to be changed or for the older child to cope with going to the toilet without struggling to be properly dressed afterwards. Most nursery to pre-schools provide gear for wet weather and mud kitchens, as do forest schools.

Take time to make this choice and know what will provide a child with a meaningful, happy experience at school. Speak to other parents if possible and make an informed choice.

May the joy of learning become a reality from the beginning of your child’s school life!

Should you require further advice, please contact yvette@yveher.com



Back to School!

The end of the wonderful, summer holiday has arrived and there are many children beginning “Big School” for the first time. This is a joyful, exciting occasion, although it often brings tears to a mother’s eye. The sight of your child in uniform with a lunchbox packed is overwhelming as all great milestones are.

Children love to discover and experience their world. They need to be encouraged to embrace this new adventure and the attitude of parents can go a long way to making this adjustment to a new environment a smooth, happy one. A positive, involved parent who shows interest in the teacher, classroom and school helps a child to settle down with ease.

On the first day, it is a good idea to arrive early so that you can walk your child to their classroom or meeting area. Find a way to chat to other parents so that your child sees that you are relaxed and follows suit. When it is time to go, GO! If you are hesitant or nervous, your child will pick this up. A parent that I know always brings the new teacher a bunch of flowers and has the child stand with the teacher to have a photograph taken. This really works positively for all sides. Your child’s teacher has been carefully selected and many schools have experienced teachers in the first year. If you have a new teacher, she will be working with a team that will ensure your child’s learning will be up to the expected standard. Once you leave the classroom, do not go back until it is time to fetch your child at the end of the day. If you are planning on buying things from the school on that day, wait until the end of the day to give the necessary items to your child or your child’s teacher. Do not worry about your child. As soon as the day begins, every child becomes engrossed with the excitement of getting to know new friends and to have the new pleasure of opening the lunchbox packed for them with so much love. Try to be prepared in advance for anything to do with the school. That will help you to cope well when your child is unwell or anything unexpected happens.

When you pack your child’s lunch, include something special for the first few weeks.  They will feel loved and happy. Remember that water is very good for helping concentration and energizing a child so include this in the schoolbag. Water is the fuel of the brain. Have their uniform ready the night before so that the mornings are always treasured family times without stress. Chat to your child on the way to school about their teacher and new friends. This will help him/her to relax and prepare for the day ahead. Walk with them to their classroom for the first week then leave them at varying points of distance from the classroom so that by the third week they can be dropped at the gate to walk with confidence to their classroom. Let them know that you will be there at the end of the day to fetch them. It is very important to be on time to fetch your child as this helps them to feel secure.

Homework is a new and important aspect of life for parents enrolling a child in formal school. Have a routine so that your child will feel comfortable with doing any homework before playing. Some children need to let off steam and run around for a while, and other children need to eat. Allow a time to relax before doing homework. After that, your child can play. Many parents find that their children need to eat a snack, rest or sleep before doing anything. Find your child’s unique balance by experimenting with how they react. Always treat everything to do with school with respect so that your child will develop a sense of appreciation and respect for learning.

Finally, here is a word of advice regarding the teacher. Teachers choose their profession because they are passionate about giving children a happy learning experience. They prefer to work hand-in-hand with parents to make the school experience successful and meaningful. Should you not understand any aspect, approach the teacher by asking for an appointment to discuss what you need to be clarified. Teachers appreciate parents who are involved with their children’s learning. When you sit down for your meeting, have your queries written down and note the answers next to each one. This will guide you when you need to use them later. Should the teacher approach you for a meeting, listen to what they have to say and note the relevant advice. They have the experience and keep your child’s wellbeing at heart. They plan for successful learning and  have advice or recommendations that will help facilitate your child’s learning. 

Sometimes a child is not ready for formal education. This does not mean that they have problems. All children grow at an individual, unique pace. To be ready for formal school, a child should be able to sit down and complete a task without becoming restless. Some fine muscle skills will also need to be in place as well as visual and spatial abilities. Listening skills and being able to follow sequential instructions are important skills. Emotionally, a child should be able to cope away from a parent and relate to others in a positive manner.

At YVEHER your child is given individual attention and care to develop the necessary skills for coping well in formal school situations. Your child will be supplied with a unique program to facilitate the development of the required skills and this will increase self-esteem. Any reading and numeracy aspects can be improved with simple targetting of the relevant areas that seem to challenge your child. You may book an appointment by emailing: yvette@yveher.com


Being alone is one of the gifts that life offers a person to assist them in redirecting, rethinking, reviewing or rediscovering. There are so many situations that can be resolved by time spent away from them so as to see them objectively and find a way forward.

Many people feel that they need to be around others continuously. This may be masking an inability to just sit and “be” with themselves. They find that they are at a loss when there is nobody else there to direct their life path, or who can be a convenient scapegoat for a situation that could have been avoided. They are uneasy with being alone.

Sometimes, being alone is felt more acutely. This is usually at festive times, such as Christmas, or Easter, or birthdays and anniversaries. It is at times when we associate happy memories that we feel a need to share them again with others. We do have a choice about how we allow ourselves to feel. We can remember the memories with happy and loving thoughts and relive the moments that so enchanted us. We can find a way to share this time with memories so that we feel all the joy that we experienced then. By dwelling on the joy of the memories we can overcome a sense of loss.

Living with regrets can make being alone difficult to bear for older people. Every person that I have spoken to about this has had one thing in common. The person who felt that they had wronged another had already been forgiven by the other person years ago! Be careful to make sure that you do not create your own jail cell within yourself. Trying to bury your head in the sand with the hope that past misdemeanours will simply evaporate is not an option, because we all need to acknowledge our choices and grow from them. When you have done someone wrong, just admit it and show that you are not going to repeat the hurtful situation by showing true remorse. Most people respond positively to heartfelt, genuine apologies. To do wrong and just go on as if you did not do anything, thereby thinking that you have ruled out your behavior because “it is in the past”, is a recipe for conflict and resentment. Wearing a mask and behaving as though nothing mattered is abusing personal boundaries. Everyone has a sense of personal boundaries, so when you ignore these, it is offensive and abusive. Try to respect others and what they stand for. Everyone has been created to be a particular person for a particular reason and you have no right to judge them or take advantage in any way. If you have done this, go and make it right in the best and highest possible way that you can. You will know when you search your soul what to do for each situation. By doing this, you will make sure that you are not being false. Mean what you say and carry out your intentions. There is no such word as “try”. To say that you will “try” to do something,  just means that you have no intention to do it at all. Be true to your word and gain honour from the situation.

Most religions speak about social integration. Their message is uniform as far as this goes. We are asked to treat others in a way that we would appreciate being treated, and we are warned of consequences that occur when we do not adhere to this. Being kind, genuinely loving and empathic is not as difficult as one would think. When we remove human greed, the self-centred ego and jealousy from our lives, we find that life flows easily, and we have more rewarding personal experiences, and that is what really leaves us feeling that we are part of a beautiful, loving whole where every living thing is precious.

Being alone should not make you feel hopeless. It is a gift to use for your own soul. Being alone is precious quality time with your Self. Always look at the good side of the situation and balance it in your mind so that your life can be filled with hope and that you can feed your soul with some joy from your stored happy memories. In the words of one of my  most inspiring author, Oriah Moutain Dreamer:

I want to know if you can see beauty, even when it’s not pretty, every day, and if you can source your own life from its presence.”

I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.”

Taken from the poem: “The Invitation” by Oriah Mountain Dreamer.

Should you be struggling at this time with feelings that seem to overwhelm you, please contact yvette@yveher.com and you will find relief and hope.

Enjoy the holidays!


In counselling sessions with addicts, Yveher has been able to turn the addict’s perceptions around so that they can find out their true talents and what really fulfills their daily lives. They discover their realistic goals and experience true reward when they accomplish the steps towards them. They come to the realisation that when you allow yourself to become infatuated with anything, that is what will dominate your life choices. Yveher gently guides people to a place of understanding, discovering their unconcious motives and helps them to a place of finding their personal drives to voluntarily overcome their fear of change. They understand that their minds have created associations that have allowed them to become addicted to certain things. They discover their inner purpose and carefully begin a new journey where they feel fulfilled and have intrinsic, meaningful motivation to embrace each day with hope and excitment.

 Many people have various forms of addictions. To be addicted is described in the Oxford Study Dictionary as “doing or using something as a habit or compulsively; being devoted to a hobby or interest.” That covers a wide range of possibilities for addictions. I am sure that even as you have read this, you are searching within yourself to uncover what you may be addicted to doing or having. The word “addict” actually comes from the Latin word “addictus” meaning “a person given as a servant to another person to whom he owes money” .

That is what an addiction does. It creates servants that need to fulfill a role that is a result of a perceived need. In some form or other, we are all addicted to something, someone or a habit/routine. People who need to change this will only accomplish that goal if it becomes more meaningful and important than the addiction.

We seek instant gratification and we have a desire for only the good things in life when we allow ourselves to believe that everything, except what we think is good, is not good. In fact, everything has one purpose in life: To help you to become who you really are. Every experience has a purpose and whatever you have experienced will be guiding you to who you are deep within yourself. Ignoring who we are, not appreciating how perfectly we are created, are why some of us look outside ourselves to find our idea of happiness and joy. We often have unrealistic goals and exaggerated negative experiences. These create unbalanced perceptions of our current reality.

There are some simple ways to encourage yourself to change. Everyone in this world only does what they want to do. They do this because it fulfills a need that they perceive is a result of some lack in their lives. We are driven to attain what we think we do not have. We are often blinded to the fact that life is always balanced perfectly, with positives and negatives equally in place. We cannot acknowledge a positive exists unless there is a negative to reveal it. Sometimes we may need assistance to be able to see the other side of our lives, to know that if we focus on lack, that is all we know as our reality.

Find your release by booking with Yveher and discover how to empower your life choices by balancing your perceptions in a relaxed, gentle manner. Email yvette@yveher.com and live your life joyfully, whole again.



Learning Challenges/ADD/ADHD

Yveher can provide your child with a gentle environment to approach learning without stress. Bookings are now open for a small group of children to create a platform for their future learning experiences. Yveher will teach your child through appropriate situations, making learning a reality. Make sure that your child is ready to begin formal schooling and help those that are at formal school to have a positive, enriching experience. Your child can acquire skills to improve reading and maths ability. The approach is what makes the difference.

Help your child to thrive in 2012 and express your interest by emailing Yvette on yvette@yveher.com

Make sure that your child retains their inner joy while they learn. Yveher specializes in equipping children from 5 years to 16 years with tools to enhance and facilitate learning. She has 32 years of experience in education and training. Her heart’s desire is to bring joy back to learning for children who may find challenges in adapting to a classroom situation. The venue is in Lonehill, near Fourways in Johannesburg and parent workshops are offered to support the learning experience at regular intervals.

Life is made for you to bank happy memories. May your child enjoy many happy memories while discovering true learning.

Take a look at www.yveher.com and explore the whole realm of possibilities that could assist you and your child in this important journey. Visit the Contacts page and email yvette@yveher.com

Life is Water

 Life is water

Bubbling, blessing, bathing

Life is water

Shining, sparkling, soothing

Life is water

Flowing, finding, forming

Life is water

Creating, crashing, crushing

Life is water

Pouring, pooling, providing

Life is water

Caressing, cooling, calming

Life is water

Raining, rippling, running

Life is water

Snowing, showering, shimmering

Life is water

Deep, dark, dangerous

Life is water

Beginning, birthing, binding

Life is water

Tumbling, turning, touching

Life is water

Purifying, persevering, pressing

 Life is water

Moving, mutating, multiplying

Life is water

Smoothing, smothering, smoking

Life is water … live it as it is.